Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dream Room

My husband & I have a dream room. It's in the basement of our house & it is where we both go to dwell, pray, contemplate, reflect, seek, cry, laugh, & mostly....dream.

maps make incredible wallpaper ;)

So far my theme for 2011 has been anticipation & expectation. This is no exception!
I can't believe that it's only March & I've already seen a major breakthrough in 2 areas of my life, & a 3rd is on it's way! I felt like this year was going to make up for lost time & at 10 fold.... it already has.
I spent the beginning of my young adulthood focusing on love, so many people spend their whole lives searching for that one great love & I have been so blessed to have found him.

Recent collage from our 15 minute spontaneous snow shoot! :)

Even though it's a bit out of order- now that the dust has settled in my life I can actually see glimpses of my future. I was a fearless teenager- it seems the moment I turned 20 I unknowingly gave into fear after fear, I was completely crippled in pursuing anything that I may have felt inclined towards.  I just knew this year was different & now that I am starting to see the puzzle pieces slowly come together- I am doing everything within myself to shut fear out at the door & live as though fear was never there.  I am in awe at the details of this freedom- I had a word spoken over my life 9 years ago- & for the very first time- it's been revealed to me.

This word was purposed for this time. I had almost lost hope. almost.
I haven't even braised the surface of seeing the manifestations & feeling the revolution within me, but the fact that the PROMISE is there, is mind boggling to say the least!
Now, my challenge is to LIVE my life on this promise- fears & all.... & see what happens. 

With all of this being said I want to clarify something.  This isn't easy, it's actually extremely challenging & it's not glamorous, it's not fun- it doesn't feel good- but if the benefit is anything like what I've already experienced- 
the freedom really will justify the pain it's taking to get there.

"The future belongs to the few of us still willing to get our hands dirty" 

Love, Audra

Monday, March 21, 2011

Styled Shoot : Modern Day Alice

"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense.
Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't.
And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be.
And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?”

These girls! Phew! Ok. Let me clarify- my sister & her best friends. As exhausting as this day was- it was well worth it.  We started our day 3 hours late & a dollar short. Can you imagine styling 5 different girls, not just diverse style wise- but personality! I have never met such a different group of girls- they all brought an incredibly special take to a modern day Alice.  

My bedroom had sparkles flying, feathers falling, dresses, tights, & over sized hair flowers everywhere. It was a sight to see. I know Heath appreciated it. ;) By the way, Heath totally rocked this day out! Not only is he the best husband a girl can ask for but he is an outrageous photo assistant! I don't know how many miles he ended up carrying that stout, gold couch around the forest! 

Once the girls saw the "set" make believe suddenly became reality & you could feel the excitement in each girl- waiting for their moment to be beautiful. 
 (Another reason why I LOVE styled shoots)

P.S. Word to the wise- if you want teenage girls to focus- don't put them around a table of whimsical pastries, cakes, cookies, & parfaits... they were infatuated.. & hungry, to say the least!

We have Hannah, Jazzy, Siera, Karina, & Nadia... strikingly unique yet equally stunning. 

Click READ MORE! :)

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Styled Shoot: Katie

This shoot was a purposely styled shoot- part of the "Styled Shoots" portion I am working on- not necessarily clients-I seek out the types I need for these shoots. I had dreamt this up a few years ago, scouted a location, styled the overall look, & asked my beyond perfect, gorgeous, & stunning friend to pose. I am in LOVE with the results. Couldn't be closer to my vision.

For those of you who aren't familiar with what a styled shoot means to me- you can click THIS to find out!

Katie is not only one of the best mothers I know but she is a stunning person inside & out. 
She is probably one of the only girls I know who can pull off just about any look & do it with such sophistication.  Though the weather was a bit chilly the atmosphere was far from it.  Katie & I found some inner bravery as we explored through this nostalgic, abandoned property. Between our rat paranoia & constant battle to NOT fall through the floor- I think the pictures turned out beautifully. 

I wanted to give Katie a big THANK YOU for agreeing to my ridiculous venture & literally bringing life to the images.

Click READ MORE! :)

Monday, March 14, 2011

Tirzah Take 2!

Photo Shoot #2. 

I loved everything about this day.  It was so inspiring- this girl lights up in front of the camera.  Her eyes are mesmerizing & her smile is contagious.  There are so many personal touches & hidden meanings behind every picture.  From her father's college sweater to a stage with a dream. Enjoy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Faithful. Stunning. Lovable. True.
A drop in the character bucket when it comes to little Miss Laura Jean. 
The day of our photo shoot was like any other Audra & Laura day. Just another phase & adventure to add to our 11 year tried yet so true friendship.  Downtown Lawrence is such a photography staple but it seems to never shine the same way. Each person brings something beautiful to the surface-even if I shot there a million times.
We started our day jamming out to Taylor Swift which completely inspired this whimsical shoot. Laura & I have always played make believe & this certainly was no exception.  Carrying way too many props & can cans (mysteriously found in the trunk of my car) we bravely trotted down a forest path where we discovered a perfect, circle, opening... as if it were prepared by God just for us. That's our theory anyways. :) Here are some of my favorites from the day & a video montage! Enjoy!
